Request for Membership in Tactical Strike Group 4
What is Tactical Strike Group 4?
[TSG4] Tactical Strike Group 4 is a "casually competitive" clan within World of Warships that participates on the North America (NA) Server! It was created with the goal of developing a fun environment and building a “Family of Friends”. We operate with openness, and strive to build a strong sense of comradery while having lots of high seas fun! Tactical Strike Group 4 is the right clan for you If you want to meet new people and build lasting friendships through the World of Warships community!
Tactical Strike Group 4 is serious and committed to its Core Value of building a close-knit “Family of Friends”. To that end, we only recruit, accept and retain members who reflect that policy. What this means is that as a clan, we do not “chase numbers” or recruit and accept members just to have a large roster! We would much rather have a smaller amount of solid, dedicated and reliable members by quickly getting rid of the "deadweight" players who are unwilling to develop lasting friendships, than have a huge roster of members who are merely “paper soldiers” and “names on a list’!
Tactical Strike Group 4 is also the place to be if you are tired of solo queuing and are wanting to expand your Warships experience by battling alongside friends! If you have previously been in other clans that are riddled with divisive in-fighting and are wanting to escape the nasty “clan politics”…. Or if you are genuinely seeking to improve your gameplay and personal stats…. then welcome to the Strike Group!
What We Are Looking For:
Players who are seeking Fun, Camaraderie and Friendship
ANY tier of ships - we do not exclude players based on what ship tiers they don't have
"Team" players - if you'd rather play alone, we are not for you.
Consistently ACTIVE players - no deadweight, no "paper soldiers", no "I'll play for a week or two then disappear 'ghosts'", etc. (**note: we regularly cut deadweight out of our roster) - Do you want to have fun and div-up with other players? Well, guess what.... You're not the ONLY one! So, do your part... be active, be reliable and "be there" for them too! Don't be a selfish gamer.
MATURITY... the mental aspect, not the physical age (just because you are over 18 does not automatically mean that you are actually mature!)
Players with (or willing to get) Discord
Players with a microphone (headset or free-standing)
Players willing to help and to teach - We were ALL tier I and II at one time. Don't be arrogant and snooty. Help the newer players and share the experiences you've had with the game.

Requirements to join [TSG4] Tactical Strike Group 4:
Have the understanding that communication is critical to building a cohesive team and to completing missions in a successful manner (Refer to #4 and #7 below) .
Be on the North America (NA) server and Be ACTIVE with the clan! All members must be active during the week. Pop on, say hello, Blow up some ships and just let the other members hear your voice and see you participating (simple)! In order for a clan to grow and improve it must be active and not merely carrying a roster of "paper soldiers" and "deadweight" members!
Participate in an initial meeting on Discord with one of our officers and/or a Clan Recruiter BEFORE your application is approved or a membership offer is extended to you.
Discord account with a working microphone and speakers. (Please understand that if you are trying to communicate without a microphone during a battle, your teammates may be too busy to be able to read messages or may not be able to switch screens and physically type-out a response to you in a timely manner… thus, you are effectively muted!) (Refer to #1 above and #7 below)
Be 18 years of age or older in age and attitude.... Mature, Low-Drama members required! Represent yourself and your clan well!
TSG4 does not subscribe to the notions of "elitism" or "arrogance" based of performance ratings. All of our in-game clans are part of the same organization outside of WOWS and are treated functionally identical, not as tiered clans based on WR, WTR, etc. TSG4 operates as a "Battalion" and each in-game clan is a "Company" within the battalion. TSG4 members of all skill levels are assigned evenly into each company.
Be logged into Discord and in a TSG4 channel room any time that you are in-game… even if you are just “blowing steam and blasting ships”, and we have a room set-up on our Discord server designated specifically for “Solo Grinding”! However, NOT being on Discord while in-game is viewed as an unwillingness to be an integral part of an overall team and as an expression of a “lone wolf” personality type, which is completely contrary to our core value of “Family of Friends”. (Refer to #1 and #4 above)
Racism, Sexism, Bigotry and Bullying is not allowed… and will NOT be tolerated!
Discrimination of *any* type is prohibited within Tactical Strike Group 4, which includes (but not limited to):
National Origin
Sexual Orientation
Sexual Gender / Gender Identity
Understand that Religion and Politics are not games, so please do not discuss them on Discord or the forums.
We feel that friendly competition is healthy, but please curtail your "game rage" when things don't go as you planned!
Requirements to join [TSG4] Tactical Strike Group 4:
Tactical Strike Group 4 offers a fun environment that is based on the concepts of "Family" and "Friendship" where "bad attitudes", "game raging", "stat trolling" and "performance pressure" have no place! All that we ask in return is that you comply with the above requirements, carry within yourself a strong desire to work closely with your friends and clan-mates, and be a good and positive personal representative of TSG4... at all times!
​[TSG4} Tactical Strike Group 4 encourages all of its members to have fun and engage themselves in an atmosphere of Friendship. We accept all players, as long as they meet the requirements as set forth above. Come show what you're made of... and earn your stripes!

As you can see by his uniform, Mickey joined the TSG4 sea-faring pollywogs.... and you can, too!
To get the ball rolling with joining TSG4... Visit our clan website, register an account using your in-game name and submit an official application through the "Join Us! (Application)" button on the top bar. Join our Discord server and speak to someone on our Command Staff or one of our Clan Recruiters (see membership requirement #3 above). **Important: Do NOT click "apply to clan" in the game.
Application to become a member: Join TSG4 - WoWS
TSG4 - Tactical Strike Group 4 OpServ: http://www.tsg4.org/
Our Discord server address is: https://discord.gg/sTck9hr.
Our clan page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1595220933839955/
For “general” clan information, look us up on the WOWS clan page by typing TSG4 into the search box, send a message to any clan member in-game or visit our OpServ!