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The TSG4 Recruiting Process

Tactical Strike Group 4 is looking  for a few more Active players wanting a "Guild Home" who care less about stats and numbers and more about being part of a fun organization!



  • Players who are 18yo or older.

  • MATURITY... the mental aspect, not your physical age  (just because you are over 18 does not automatically mean that you are actually mature!  We have encountered some 45yo puerile shit-asses.... so don't be one of them!)

  • Players who are seeking Fun, Camaraderie and Friendship

  • ANY tier of vehicles - we do not exclude players based on what vehicle tiers they don't have

  • "Team" players - if you'd rather play alone, we are not for you.

  • Consistently ACTIVE players - no deadweight, no "paper soldiers", no "I'll play for a week or two then disappear 'ghosts'", etc. (**note: we regularly cut deadweight out of our roster)  - Do you want to have fun and div-up with other players? Well, guess what.... You're not the ONLY one! So, do your part... be active, be reliable and "be there" for them too!  Don't be a selfish gamer.

  • Players with (or willing to get) Discord

  • Players with a microphone (headset or free-standing)

  • Players willing to help and to teach - We were ALL tier I and II at one time. Don't be arrogant and snooty. Help the newer players and share the experiences you've had with the game.




  • As detailed above, the individual and personal bonuses from the clan base (in applicable games only)

  • A "Family of Friends" and a sense of "Brotherhood" - as stated in our motto (whether you are male or female)

  • Exclusive inclusion into a select membership of a very selective organization

  • a 50-channel Discord server - to service all aspects and modes of our gaming

  • Leadership opportunities - detailed on our Operations Server website (OpServ)

  • True Teamwork

  • an organization of Top-notch, Quality People (read as personalities) who have been screened and vetted through our Recruiting Process!




What Tactical Strike Group 4 is NOT and what we DO NOT DO:

  • TSG4 is not an "auto-approve" organization. We are an "invitation Only" organization where anyone is welcome to apply, but we only extend an invitation for membership after our recruiting process (which varies by game) has been completed.

  • TSG4 is not a gang of "Stat Whores". Yes, it is nice to have unicum stats, and yes, everyone strives to be their best and get their highest percentages, but as an organization, we really don't care what your numbers are. (and if you ask me in-person, I'll give you a much more strongly worded response.)

  • Once a players earns full membership with TSG4, we do NOT enforce maintaining a certain win rate, vehicle tier (or any other stat that you could possibly think of) because we have learned that over time, the stress and pressure of  "required performance" lends itself very quickly to "player burn-out". We just want our members to have fun and build friendships... period.

  • TSG4 does NOT require that a player have a certain tier of vehicles just to be able to join.  We feel that having that type of policy is extremely exclusionary and expressly prohibits players from joining when they simply "want to belong" and are wanting friends with which to battle and an organization (guild) in which to participate, contribute and represent!

  • Tactical Strike Group 4 does NOT form cliques or play "the favorites game". TSG4 is a group (or family) of friends and all of our members make an equal effort to division-up (squad-up) and battling with all other TSG4 members. We all keep our lower-tier vehicles so that we can help newer players grind their way up, as well as have the opportunity to play lower tiered battles in an effort to "blow off steam" and "cleanse our palate" from the stress of high tier battles.



There is so much more to TSG4 than just a "gaggle of warm bodies"!  Come check us out.... see what TSG4 is all about!    


YouTube video link:

The Tactical Strike Group 4 Recruiting Process


How It Works:  The gameplay as well as the requirements of the games in which we have an official presence are each different, thus each game's recruiting process is different as well!  The different processes for our games are described below:

War Thunder (WT) and World of War Ships (WoWS)


  1. Join our Opserv website in order to gain access to the game applications.

  2. Download Discord onto your PC and Join the Tactical Strike Group 4 server on Discord. (invitation link is provided in the text above.)

  3. Once you are on our Discord server:  Move yourself into the "MAIN LOBBY" channel room on the LEFT side of the Discord Window.

  4. Post a greeting in Discord chat and announce that you would like to speak with a Recruiter about joining Tactical Strike Group 4.

  5. Meet with a TSG4 Recruiter on Discord!  After talking with a TSG4 Recruiter, go into your game and submit an application to join the clan within the game.

  6. Click here to "JOIN US and Become A Member!" Fill-out and submit the application for your particular game.

  7. Nothing else to do!


THAT'S IT!  Welcome to Tactical Strike Group 4 as a Full Member of our clan!  You can now explore all of the pages on our OpServ website, get acquainted with our SOPs, read our Members' Guide, view our calendar and meet our members!

Ultima Online (UO) 

The TSG4 Recruiting Process for Ultima Online is different from our other games...


  1. Join our Opserv website in order to gain access to the game applications.

  2. Download Discord onto your PC and Join the Tactical Strike Group 4 server on Discord. (invitation link is provided in the text above.)

  3. Once you are on our Discord server:  Move yourself into the "MAIN LOBBY" channel room on the LEFT side of the Discord Window.

  4. Post a greeting in Discord chat and announce that you would like to speak with a Recruiter about joining Tactical Strike Group 4.

  5. Meet with a TSG4 Recruiter on Discord!  After talking with a TSG4 Recruiter, go into your game and submit an application to join the clan within the game.

  6. Join our Recruiting Guild called "Strike Group 4 Recruits" [SG4R].  Your time here will be approximately 6 weeks while we get to know you... and you learn all about Tactical Strike Group 4. DUring this time, you will need to be very and extremely active with the guild. Your recruiter will explain everything else that will be required of you during your time in SG4R.

  7. IF... you successfully complete your time in [SG4R], your assigned recruiter will submit a recommendation for you to be advanced into the main [TSG4] guild. At this point, Nocona will reach-out to you with instructions on joining the main Tactical Strike Group 4 guild.

  8. Click here to "JOIN US and Become A Member!" Fill-out and submit the application for your particular game.


Welcome to Tactical Strike Group 4 Recruits!  You can now explore all of the pages on our OpServ website, get acquainted with our SOPs, read our Members' Guide, view our calendar and meet our members!

©2017 by Tactical Strike Group 4.

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